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Looking for senior care?
Call us today!
Aging Gracefully IN Peace and Tranquility
Spend Your Golden Years in Bliss and Tranquility
Contact Information
icon address 1155 E. Jersey St.
Elizabeth, NJ 07201-2310 US
icon address 908-787-0980
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About Us

content imageTown Square Adult Medical Day Care Center is located in Elizabeth, New Jersey and we are a locally owned and operated facility that caters to elderly clients. We provide a tranquil and comfortable place for seniors who want to age gracefully and independently.

Our facility is staffed with highly professional caregivers who are attentive to the physical, emotional, mental and social needs of your loved ones. They will always be there to support and assist your loved ones so that they may enjoy their retirement lifestyle in peace to the fullest.

We are an equal opportunity provider and we do not turn away our services and our home to anyone on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, color, originality, sexual orientation or creed.

You are encouraged to call us at 908-787-0980 for any questions or inquiries that you may have. Our friendly representatives will always be happy to assist you.